Sixth Luca d’Agliano Lecture in Development Economics

Sixth Luca d’Agliano Lecture in Development Economics: “Accelerating Economic Growth in Africa” by  Anthony J. Venables (Professor of Economics, Oxford University; Director, Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies), 17 October 2008, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Palazzo d’Azeglio, Via Principe Amedeo 34, 10123 Turin.

African economies have been growing fast in recent years, but not a rate that will have much impact on closing the gap between incomes in Africa and elsewhere in the world. The talk will look at the prospects and policies for sustaining the current growth episode.  The opportunities and threats posed by the current resource boom and high levels of dependence on natural resource exports.  And the prospects for Africa to diversify its exports and move to a more rapid development path.

Anthony J. Venables is Professor of Economics at Oxford University where he also directs the Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies.  He is a Fellow of the British Academy and of the Econometric Society. Former positions include chief economist at the UK Department for International Economics, professor at the London School of Economics, research manager of the trade research group in the World Bank, and advisor to the UK Treasury. He has published extensively in the areas of international trade and spatial economics, including work on trade and imperfect competition, economic integration, multinational firms, and economic geography.  Publications include The spatial economy; cities, regions and international trade, with M. Fujita and P. Krugman (MIT press, 1999), and Multinationals in the World Economy with G. Barba Navaretti (Princeton 2004).
