Now available: Fourth Migration Observatory Report: “Immigrant Integration in Europe”

Immigrant Integration in Europe – Tommaso Frattini (University of Milan and LdA), with Pietro Campa (LdA), Centro Studi Luca d’Agliano and Collegio Carlo Alberto,  February 2020.

The fourth edition of the Annual Report of the Migration Observatory is now available. The report provides a concise, easily accessible and up-to-date source of reference regarding the size, characteristics, and relative economic performance of immigrants in EU countries. The report is prepared within the Migration Observatory project, jointly carried out by Collegio Carlo Alberto and Centro Studi Luca d’Agliano and funded by Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo.

Executive Summary: ITAENG

Media Coverage:
L’Italia è il paese con gli immigrati meno istruiti (Il Sole 24 ore, 20 febbraio 2020)
Immigrati? In Europa una persona su dieci lo è, ci somiglia, ma guadagna meno (Torino Oggi, 22 febbraio 2020)
Immigrati poco istruiti (proprio come gli italiani) (Il Venerdì di Repubblica, 13 marzo 2020)

Steaming Video:
Presentazione del Quarto Rapporto Annuale dell’Osservatorio sulle Migrazioni e Tavola Rotonda, 21 febbraio 2020, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino


Prof. T. Frattini

The audience

The panel discussion

Migration Observatory Fourth Annual Conference: “Drivers and consequences of migration restrictions and border enforcement”.

Migration Observatory webpage