Leonardo: LEAP (Programma Fornitori e le Politiche Industriali Italiane ed Europee)
Funding Institution: Leonardo S.p.A.
Start/End date: 2021 – 2024
LdA Researchers:Â Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Gianmarco Ottaviano, Fabiano Schivardi, Borisav Markovic, Federico Pessina, Tommaso Fonti
Goals: Our first goal involves analyzing the impact of the LEAP programme. The LEAP programme is an investment made by Leonardo aimed at reducing the dependency of its suppliers. Leonardo’s supply chain is extremely complex and consists primarily in Italian SMEs. Their small size, low exports, and dependency on Leonardo’s orders for their survival raised concerns around limited innovation and falling efficiency. The second goal of this project revolves around an analysis of the national and European defense industrial policies. The aim is to provide Leonardo with an in-depth understanding and framework of these policies.
Productivity and Non-Tariff Measures
Partners:Â Paris School of Economics (PSE); University of Paris-Dauphine – PSL; UniversitĂ della Svizzera Italiana
Start/End date: 2018 – 2023
LdA Researchers: Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Lionel Fontagné, Giovanni Pica, Gialuca Orefice, Anna Rosso
Goals: The aim of the project is to produce improved understanding of Non-Tariff Measures (NTM) and empirically testing their impact on international investment and trade, together with their effects on a variety of social and economic outcomes, including their impact on income and inequality. We analyze the NTM from the perspective of both protected and harmed individuals.
Productivity and Human Capital: The Italian Case
Funding Institution: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Partners: OECD and INAPP
Start/End date: 2020 – 2021
LdA Researchers: Anna Rosso (coordinator), Camilla Andretta and Irene Brunetti
Goals: Firms are made up of people, and differences in the composition and skills of owners, managers and workers, and their interactions through management and organization, affect firms’ productivity and may explain performance gap between firms within the same sector. We focus on workers’ characteristics and ownership and management characteristics in order to provide facts on the human characteristics of successful versus less successful Italian firms.
Inequality in Productivity: Geography, Finance and Governance of Leaders and Laggards
Funding Institution: European Investment Bank
Partners: European Investment Bank
Start/End date: 2019 – 2021
LdA Researchers: Giorgio Barba Navaretti and Anna Rosso
Goals: The productivity of individual firms is affected by the environment in which they operate: agglomeration economies, knowledge spillovers, economies of scope and availability of specialized labour, components, services, and finance are all elements favouring productivity growth. The core periphery issue is especially meaningful in economies with deep geographic divides like Italy. We focus on finance and quality of governance, looking at whether leaders and laggards make a different use of these inputs and whether this difference is strengthened for peripheral laggards.
Productivity, Non-Tariff Measures and Openness (PRONTO)
Official website: http://prontonetwork.org/
Funding Institution: European Commision (the 7th Framework Programme)
Partners: University of Bern (UBERN, Coordinator); University College Dublin (UC Dublin); Ecorys Nederland; London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE); Paris School of Economics (PSE); Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek (DLO); Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB-RC); Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW); University of Surrey and the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR).
Start/End date: 1 February 2014 – 31 January 2018
LdA Researchers: Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Gabriele De Carli, Sante De Pimto, Giulia Felice, Emanuele Forlani, Paolo Garella, Marco Leonardi, Elena Meschi, Giovanni Pica and Anna Rosso
Goals: The aim of the project is to produce improved understanding of Non-Tariff Measures (NTM) and empirically testing their impact on international investment and trade, together with their effects on a variety of social and economic outcomes, including their impact on income and inequality. We analyze the NTM from the perspective of both protected and harmed individuals.
Official website: http://prontonetwork.org/
Value Added in Motion. The Future Geography of Production, Migration and Energy (VAM)
VAM webpage: : http://dagliano.unimi.it/vam/
Funding Institution: Enel Foundation
Partners: University of Milan, Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods
Start/End date: 1 May 2013 – 30 April 2016
LdA Researchers: Giorgio Barba Navaretti (coordinator), Gianmarco Ottaviano and Giovanni Pica (Geography of Value Added), Giovanni Facchini and Tommaso Frattini (Migration), Marzio Galeotti, Francesco Vona and Federico Pontoni (Energy)
Goals: The overarching aim of this large project has been understanding the geography of value added and its implications for migration and for demand and supply of energy. Work pursued three different objectives:
i)Â mapping the geography of value added and to assess its main triggers;
ii) assessing the relationship between the location of activities and the production of value added and population movements;
iii) assessing how energy demand and the availability of energy sources relate to the creation, composition, and location of economic activities and to population movements.