

  • Nicolò Gatti, Fabrizio Mazzonna, Raphaël Parchet, Giovanni Pica: “Opening the labor market to qualified immigrants in absence of linguistic barriers”, LdA WP 483/2022.
  • Claudio Deiana, Ludovica Giua, Roberto NisticĂČ: “Legalization and Long-Term Outcomes of Immigrant Workers”, LdA WP 480/2022.
  • Facing Displacement and a Global Pandemic: Evidence from a Fragile State (with Di Maio, V. Leone Sciabolazza and V. Molini) – CreAM DP 05/22, Revised and Resubmitted Journal of Demographic Economics.
  • Elisabetta Lodigiani and Sara Salomone: “Migration’s Transfers of Norms. The case of Female Political Empowerment”, Journal of Demographic Economics, forthcoming;
  • Anna Rosso: “Skill Transferability: the Case of Eastern European Immigrants in the UK”, International Journal of Manpower, 2021 (forthcoming, LdA WP no. 405);
  • Francesco Fasani, Tommaso Frattini and Luigi Minale: “Lift the Ban? Initial Employment Restrictions and Refugee Labour Market Outcomes“, Journal of the European Economic Association, Volume 19, Issue 5, October 2021, pp.2803-2854 (LdA WP no. 462);
  • Giampaolo Lecce, Laura Ogliari and Tommaso Orlando: “Resistance to Institutions and Cultural Distance: Brigandage in Post-Unification Italy”, LdA WP 473, March 2021 – publishe as “State formation, social unrest and cultural distance: Brigandage in post-unification Italy”, Journal of Economic Growth, 2022, pp 1-31.
  • Giampaolo Lecce, Laura Ogliari and Mara P. Squicciarini: “Birth and Migration of Scientists: Does Religiosity Matter? Evidence from 19th-Century France”, LdA WP 472, March 2021 – published in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 187, 2021, pp 274-289;;
  • Tommaso Frattini: “Immigrazione”, Chapter 9 in Guido de Blasio, Antonio Nicita and Fabio Pammolli (editors): “EVIDENCE-BASED POLICY! Ovvero perchĂ© le politiche pubbliche basate sull’evidenza empirica aiutano l’Italia a essere migliore”, Il Mulino, Bologna 2021;
  • Giorgio Brunello, Elisabetta Lodigiani and Lorenzo Rocco: “Does Low Skilled Immigration Increase Profits? Evidence from Italian Local Labour Markets “, Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 85, 103582, 2020 (LdA WP no. 450);
  • Giorgio Brunello, Elisabetta Lodigiani and Lorenzo Rocco: “Does Low Skilled Immigration Increase the Education of Natives? Evidence from Italian Provinces”, Labour Economics, vol. 63, 101794, 2020;
  • Francesco Fasani: “Legal Status and Migrants’ Outcomes: Some Lessons from Amnesty Programs”, in Javier VĂ squez-Grenno (edited by): “Legalization of Undocumented Immigrants: What Do We Know?”, IEB Report 3/2020, 2020;
  • Emanuele Forlani, Elisabetta Lodigiani and Concetta Menolocchio: “Natives and migrants in home production: the case of Germany” Review of the Economics of the Household, vol. 19, 1275-1307, 2021: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11150-020-09480-4;
  • Christian Dustmann, Francesco Fasani, Xin Meng and Luigi Minale: “Risk Attitudes and Household Migration Decisions”, Journal of Human Resources, 58.1 (2023);
  • Francesco Fasani, Joan Llull and Cristina Tealdi: “The economics of migration: Labour market impacts and migration policies”, Labour Economics – Introduction to Special Issue – Volume 67, 2020;
  • Francesco Fasani and Jacopo Mazza: “Being on the Frontline? Immigrant Workers in Europe and the COVID-29 Pandemic” IZA DP No. 13963, December 2020 – updated December 2022 – R&R ILR Review;
  • Mauro Caselli and Paolo Falco: “As Long as They are Cheap Experimental Evidence on the Demand for Migrant Workers“, LdA WP 466, September 2020;
  • Francesco Fasani: “Immigrant key workers in Europe: The COVID-19 response that comes from abroad”, in BĂ©nassy-QuĂ©rĂ© A. and Weder di Mauro B. (edited by): “Europe in the Time of Covid-19”, CEPR VoxEU e-book, 22 May 2020;
  • Tommaso Frattini and Elena Meschi: “The Effect of Immigrant Peers in Vocational Schools”, European Economic Review, Volume 113, pp. 1-22, 2019;
  • Olena Ivus, Alireza Naghavi and Larry D. Qiu: “Migration and Imitation“, LdA WP no. 457, December 2019;
  • Anna Rosso: “Emigrant Selection and Wages: the case of Poland”, Labour Economics, Vol. 60, pp. 148-175, October 2019;
  • Bernt Bratsberg, Giovanni Facchini and Tommaso Frattini and Anna Rosso: “Are Political and Economic Integration Intertwined?”, LdA WP no. 454, September 2019;
  • Max Nathan and Anna Rosso: “Innovative Events”, LdA WP no. 429, July 2017 (updated March 2019);
  • Vasiliki Fouka, Soumyajit Mazumder and Marco Tabellini: “From Immigrants to Americans: Race and Assimilation during the Great Migration“, LdA WP no. 445, Februay 2019.
  • Massimiliano Bratti, Tommaso Frattini and Francesco Scervini: “Grandparental Availability for Child Care and Maternal Employment: Pension Reform Evidence from Italy”, Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 31, pp. 1239-1277, 2018;
  • Alessandra Casarico, Giovanni Facchini and Tommaso Frattini: “What drives the legalization of immigrants? Evidence from IRCA”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 70, pp. 258-273, 2018;
  • Carlo Devillanova, Francesco Fasani and Tommaso Frattini: “Employment of Undocumented Immigrants and the Prospect of Legal Status: Evidence from an Amnesty Program”, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 71, Issue 4, pp. 853 – 881, 2018;
  • Max Nathan and Anna Rosso: “Urban Clustering and innovation in UK Technology Firms: What can Big Data Tell Us?”, in Big Data for Urban and Regional Science, edited by Laurie A. Schintler and Zhenhua Chen, Routledge, 2018;
  • Massimiliano Bratti, Tommaso Frattini and Francesco Scervini: “Grandparental Availability for Child Care and Maternal Employment: Pension Reform Evidence from Italy”, Journal of Population Economics, Vol.31, pp.1239-1277, 2018;
  • Alessandra Casarico, Giovanni Facchini and Tommaso Frattini: “What Drives the Legalization of Immigrants? Evidence from IRCA”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 70, pp. 258-273, 2018;
  • Carlo Devillanova, Francesco Fasani and Tommaso Frattini: “Employment of Undocumented Immigrants and the Prospect of Legal Status: Evidence from an Amnesty Program”, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol.71, Issue 4, pp. 853-881, 2018;
  • Giovanni Facchini, Maggie Y. Liu, Anna Maria Mayda and Minghai Zhou: “China’s Great Migration: The Impact of the Reduction in Trade Policy Uncertainty”, CEPR DP no. 12758, 2018;
  • Francesco Fasani, Tommaso Frattini and Luigi Minale: “(The Struggle for) Refugee Integration into the Labour Market: Evidence from Europe”, Journal of Economic Geography, Volume 22, Issue 2, March 2022, Pages 351–393  (LdA WP no. 435, February 2018);
  • Tommaso Frattini: “Integration of immigrants in host countries – what we know and what works”, Revue d’Economie du Developpement, vol. 25 (1), pp. 105-134 (LdA WP no. 427, March 2017);
  • Christian Dustmann, Francesco Fasani, Tommaso Frattini, Luigi Minale and Uta Schoenberg: “On the Economics and Politics of Refugee Migration”, Economic Policy, Vol. 32, Issue 91, pp. 497–550, 2017;
  • Giovanni Facchini, Anna Maria Mayda and Riccardo Puglisi: “Illegal immigration and media exposure: Evidence on individual attitudes”, IZA Journal of Development and Migration, 7:14, 2017;
  • Emanuele Forlani, Elisabetta Lodigiani, Concetta Mendolicchio and Parvati TrĂŒbswetter: “Zuwanderung in haushaltsnahe Dienstleistungen Wie beeinflussen Zuwanderer das Arbeitsangebot von Frauen? “, R&R IAB-Kurzbericht, 2017;
  • Tommaso Frattini: “Evaluating the Labour Market Integration of New Immigrants in the UK”, Social Policy and Society, 16(4), pp. 645-658, 2017;
  • Tommaso Frattini and Elena Meschi: “The Effect of Immigrant Peers in Vocational Schools”, LdA WP no. 430, September 2017.

Policy Reports

Policy Brief

  • Tommaso Frattini and Irene Solmone, “Research note on the impact of unit non-response rate in the 2020 EU LFS”, May 2022.
  • Tommaso Frattini: “La Valutazione delle Politiche Pubbliche in Ambito Migratorio”, January 2021.
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