
Migration Observatory

Migration Observatory webpage

Funding Institution: Compagnia di San Paolo

Partners: Collegio Carlo Alberto (Turin)

Start/end date: The project has been running since 2016, and its funding is renewed yearly.

LdA Current Researchers: Tommaso Frattini (coordinator), Gabriele Cugini.

Goals: Promoting analytical knowledge on topical issues such as the wider economic and social impacts of immigration on receiving and sending countries and the implications of different migration policies, from an international and cross-disciplinary perspective. Strengthening research links between LdA and CCA, and facilitating interdisciplinary migration research. Positioning Collegio/LdA as a central actor in migration research, with the two-fold objective of becoming highly visible in the policy debate, and constructing a critical mass of academic knowledge.

New website:

Past Conferences

  • Migration Observatory 9th Annual Conference: “Immigrant Exploitation and Policy-Induced Uncertainty” (in collaboration with FIERI and CEPR), 24th March 2025, Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto;
  • Migration Observatory 8th Annual Conference: “Immigration integration around the World” (in collaboration with FIERI), 22nd March 2024, Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto;
  • Migration Observatory 7th Annual Conference: “Immigration and Citizenship” (in collaboration with FIERI), 17th March 2023, Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto;
  • Migration Observatory 6th Annual Conference: “Immigration and Gender” (in collaboration with FIERI), 14th March 2022, Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto;
  • Migration Observatory 5th Annual Conference: “Immigration and COVID-19” (in collaboration with FIERI), 12th February 2021, online via Zoom;
  • Migration Observatory 4th Annual Conference: “Drivers and consequences of migration restrictions and border enforcement” (in collaboration with FIERI), 21st February 2020, Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto;
  • Migration Observatory 3rd Annual Conference: “Immigrants’ Long-Term Integration Outcomes” (in collaboration with FIERI), 1st February 2019, Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto;
  • Presentation of the Second Annual Report: “Immigrant Integration in Europe and in Italy”, 22nd February 2018, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin;
  • Migration Observatory 2nd Annual Conference: “International Migration and Development” (in collaboration with FIERI), 24th November 2017, Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin;
  • Migration Observatory 1st Annual Conference: “Migration Policy Challenges: from New Arrivals to Naturalization” (in collaboration with FIERI), 3rd February 2017, Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto.

Global strategy for skills, migration and development (GS4S)

Project webpage

Funding Institution: European Commission

Partner: FIERI

Start/end date: 2023-2026

LdA Current Researchers: Tommaso Frattini (coordinator), Sofia Giorgini.

Goals: GS4S seeks to better understand global skills shortages in the digital, care, and construction sectors, and to foster skills development through innovative analyses. The project proposes multilevel evidence-based policies on labour migration governance and alternative ways for addressing these shortages in six regions: EU, EEA, Western Balkan, Middle East and Northern Africa, West Africa, and South/South-East Asia.

Irregular migration: Origin countries and border controls

Funding Institution: MUR

Partners: University of Milan, University of Rome “La Sapienza”

Start/end date: 2023-2025

LdA Current Researchers: Tommaso Frattini (coordinator), Francesco Fasani.

Goals: The project aims to analyse the causes and effects of migratory flows. In particular, the project will study various dimensions of irregular migration to, within, and from Libya and document the socio-economic and health effects of the conflict-induced internal displacement in the country. It will also analyse the role played by European border enforcement policies, as well as more broadly by European migration policy, on the size, composition and direction of irregular migration flows.

From Schools to Labour Markets: Fostering Social Inclusion and Economic Integration of Migrants and Refugees

Funding Institution: MUR

Partners: University of Milan, University of Pavia

Start/end date: 2023-2025.

LdA Current Researchers: Francesco Fasani (coordinator), Tommaso Frattini.

Goals: The project will study the determinants of the social and economic inclusion of migrants and refugees in Italy. In the one hand, it will study what policies can promote the educational inclusion of the children of migrants. On the other hand, it will analyze the economic effects of naturalization and the characteristics of asylum seekers’ reception that foster their socio-economic integration.

Migration: Impact on Tax and Social Benefits in the EU

Funding Institution: European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC)

Start/end date: 2017 – March 2021

LdA Current Researchers: Carlo Fiorio, Tommaso Frattini, Andre Riganti.

Goals: Producing consolidated data suitable for the analysis of the net fiscal impact of immigration throughout the European Union and providing a first assessment of the budgetary consequences of current social benefits packages for asylum seekers and refugees as well as assessing a hypothetical reform with a full harmonization of these packages.

Asylum Policies in Europe and the Refugee Crisis: new empirical evidence for better policy-making?

Project webpage

Funding Institution: Nuffield Foundation

Partners: Queen Mary University of London (Coordinator)

Start/end date: 2017 – 2021

LdA Current Researchers: Tommaso Frattini (coordinator)

Goals: Analysing three specific aspects of the interplay between asylum policies and refugees’ outcomes. First, investigating the extent to which border policies influence the composition, size and direction of migrants’ and refugees’ flows, as well as impacting on their migration-related risk of death. Second, assessing how different asylum and refugee policies impact on refugees’ socio-economic integration in the host countries. Third, studying how refugee flows may feed-back into policy-making through their effect on natives’ voting behaviour.

Past Conferences and Seminars

  • Conference on “Forced Displacement, Asylum Seekers and Refugees”, 18th – 19th March 2019, Queen Mary University of London – School of Economics and Finance;
  • Asylum policies in Europe and the refugee crisis: new empirical evidence for better policy-making?, Kick-off meeting, 27th May 2017, Queen Mary University of London.

Value Added in Motion. The Future Geography of Production, Migration and Energy (VAM)

VAM webpage

Funding Institution: Enel Foundation

Partners: University of Milan, Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods

Start/End date: 1 May 2013 – 30 April 2016

LdA Researchers: Giorgio Barba Navaretti (coordinator), Gianmarco Ottaviano and Giovanni Pica (Geography of Value Added), Giovanni Facchini and Tommaso Frattini (Migration), Marzio Galeotti, Francesco Vona and Federico Pontoni (Energy)

Goals: The overarching aim of this large project has been understanding the geography of value added and its implications for migration and for demand and supply of energy. Work pursued three different objectives:
i) mapping the geography of value added and to assess its main triggers;
ii) assessing the relationship between the location of activities and the production of value added and population movements;
iii) assessing how energy demand and the availability of energy sources relate to the creation, composition, and location of economic activities and to population movements.